original verified painted photo of mihirmah sultan daughter of hurrem sultan

Mihrimah Sultan was born in Istanmbul in 21-March-1522. She was the daughter of Sultan Suleiman and his legal wife Hurrem Sultan. Mihirmah Sultan was the full sister of 5 shehzade of Ottoman empire and a half sister of Mustafa, Shahzade of Manisa empire. She was die's in Manisa at the date of 25-January-1578

who will marry with Mihirmah sultan in mera sultan (muhtzem yuzeil) original answer regarding history

Mihirmah name was let this Shahzadi from the wish of his grandmother. Because of  Mihirmah meaning are The Shining Sun.
Mihirmah Sultan married with Rustam Pasha who was older then Mihirmah Sultan upto 30 years.
Due to some family crashes.
In this modern time Turkish media unvieled and discovered this story again in a drama named Muhtzem Yuzeil. Popular in Pakistan as MERA SULTAN.

What is real name of actress who cast as Mihirmah Sultan in Mera Sultan

previously we Notice The TV Drama Serial Become Most Popular Named Mera Sultan Based on Turkish True Story in this Drama The Most Younger Actress Pelin Karahan Act as  Mihirima Sultan
The Daughter of Sultan Suleiman and Hurrem Sultan

Post a Comment

  1. Merasultan geo-khani tv drama has remained me the favourate one of that tv dramas. All the characters in it are good but the role of huram sultan, pasha nd rustam and sumbal agha r unforgetable

